Welcome to Altena, a responsive, flat and full featured admin template. This template is built on Bootstrap 3 framework using modern techniques like HTML5 and CSS3 to be used for backend solutions of any size.
Browser support is targeted at IE9+, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and all Android and iOS mobile browsers. For browsers not in this list, support is not available.
This documentation is targeted to explain structures like files and directories, template, CSS and JavaScript or how you can configure the template. Since this template is built on top of the excellent Bootstrap 3 framework, you main source of documentation is here: http://getbootstrap.com/css/
This documentation is also written in a style that assumes you already know the basics of CSS, JavaScript and HTML, so only the usage and concept of this template's elements that's going to be covered here.
To get started, just browse through the demonstration pages. Use Chrome Developer Tools (Chrome), Firebug (Firefox) or similar plugins to analyze the code. To get a deeper understanding of the code, open the HTML and JS files and read through the commented code.
Use the blank_light_page.html
or blank_page.html
and start right away building your own pages.
project files ...
/different vendors ...
Blank Page
Your content ...