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Thank you for downloading our Template. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please contact with us vie email. Thanks so much!
Thank you so much for downloading this template called Magnum | Multipurpose One Page Responsive Parallax Template. Please feel free to contact us if you have question or problem about this template. No guarantees, but we will do our best to provide you with the best possible assistance.
Total 1 HTML file included in this Template. These are index.html
This template is a Bootstrap based responsive layout and index.html file seperated by sections. Here is the general structure.
We're using 8 core CSS files in this template. we have separated styles for improving convenience to edit this template. If you're going to use this template in production we recommend you merge all stylesheets in one file (for decreasing http queries).
Lets take a look closely at our stylesheet files.
Base styles for FontAwesome icon fonts.
This Stylesheet contains responsive grid system, default element style based on bootstrap. It is bootstrap framework main css file.
Styles for carousel slider (slick slider).
Element style animation css file. source
Magnific Popup is a responsive lightbox & dialog script
This is main theme color file for this template.
Color variations for template
Some of stylesheets (Totally 8 template color) contain different theme color for easily changed your desired template color. You find these theme in resources/css/color folder.
This template imports 11 Javascript files.
Lets take a look closely at our javascript files.
Initialize jQuery Library.
Initialize jQuery appear Library.
Bootstrap framework main jquery file.
Slick slider jquery file for carousel slides.
For filterable portfolio gallery slider main jquery file.
A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links.
Magnific Popup is a responsive lightbox & dialog script.
ticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible.
For Counter main jQuery File.
WOW animation main js file
Main javascript file which run all plugins.
The navigation bootstrap based menu. It will show different view for desktop and mobile device.
The Logo is nested within a tag with class of logo.
We have used Two Google Web Fonts in this template.
Pictures of demo version not included in source and if you want download whole pictures which template use on demo version, you can download it from this link` DOWNLOAD DEMO IMAGES
Once again, thank you so much for Downloading this item. As we said at the beginning, we would be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this item.